We believe that God calls us to share our financial resources for the expansion of God's kingdom.  It is a calling of extravagant generosity.

This happens in two ways. First, we share our tithes.  These gifts fund our ministries within the church and our missions in the community and world around us.  Second, we share our offerings.  These gifts are above and beyond our tithes.  They may be given towards a capital campaign, an affiliated ministry, or given in memory of a loved one.

Every year special offerings are collected throughout the year.  This past year we supported Nothing but Nets and the Methodist Children's Home with our offerings.  This year, our special offerings will support these same two initiatives.

 Nothing but Nets provides insecticide protected mosquito bed nets to families in areas that have high concentrations of malaria.  A single net costs only $10.00 and covers a family of four for several years.  All of the money raised for nets through the Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church are going to the Ivory Coast in Africa.  Later this year the Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will distribute 500,000 nets to the Ivory Coast.  Our goal in the next few years is to be able to eventually give every family in the Ivory Coast a bed net.

The Methodist Children's Home is a non-profit ministry for children that is affiliated with 7 United Methodist Annual Conferences of Texas and New Mexico.  Originally begun as an orphanage in 1890, the home has now developed into a comprehensive program of caring for children.  The Methodist Children's Home serves more than 700 children daily.  Programs include residential care, a Boys Ranch, foster care, and a college program.

If you would like to partner with us in mission and ministry through the sharing of financial gifts for any of these ministry areas, we invite you to send you gifts to:

Edom United Methodist Church

Attn:  Church Secretary

8430 FM 279

Brownsboro, TX 75756

Please write the ministry that the support is given for in the memo line of your check.  All gifts are tax deductible.

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